Essay On Concussions In Soccer

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In recent years concern has been raised for the staggering concussion rate in soccer, particularly women’s soccer. Although most attention has been put on football, people should be just as concerned about soccer. Doctors are finding that soccer is the second leading cause of concussions. Following right behind the contact sport football. Although soccer is not normally perceived as a contact sport it is producing a high number of injuries and the most concerning injury taking place is concussions. Why is soccer the second leading cause of concussions in sports? The answer to this question will vary from person to person. Many people are pointing towards heading the soccer ball as the culprit but would banning this technique really have a difference?
Just how serious are concussions in soccer? “As many as 22% of all soccer injuries are concussions” (Levy). There is no denying that soccer is causing a large number of concussions …show more content…

Head to ball impacts also made up a significant portion of head injuries in the studies done. Marshhas brings up the good point that it is not necessarily just heading the ball that causes a large number of concussions but it is attempts to head the ball that are causing a large number of concussions. By looking at the data above it is easy to come to the conclusion that head to ball impacts are causing some of the concussions but not a majority and for that reason not much attention should be given to that area. However, it is crucial to realize many concussions are a result of attempts to head the ball. There is no definite data stating the actual number but we can assume that some of the other causes like head to head, elbow to head, head to ground, may have resulted from trying to head the soccer ball. Aerial collisions that result in attempting to head the soccer ball should be coupled together with heading the soccer