Dbq Reformers In The Late 1800s And Early 1900

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In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s reformers in the United States were trying different methods to advance the country. The reformers had different goals such as earning women suffrage and assisting the poor. The reformers had their methods to help bring about change in society. Reformers had different goals and methods to help change the society. The reformers had goals to earning women suffrage, and methods to help achieve that goal. For example women wanted the right to vote, in document 5 it shows how women feel they have no voice either in the election or legislation. In the 19th amendment women got the right to vote. The reformers method to getting women the right to vote was raising public awareness, in document 7 it shows how a member …show more content…

In document 2 it shows how people are living in tenement buildings with small spaces. Tenement buildings don’t have that much space for many people to live in, and if someone gets sick everyone in that small space will get sick as well. Jacob Riis took these 2 photos from document 2 to show how the other half of the people live in tenement building and how they are suffering. The reformers method to achieve their goal is to establish the social organization centered in The Hull House. In document 7 it states that the poor will receive a helping hand whether they wish to educate themselves or to find work. This method shows how the program is helped people out of education and finding jobs. This shows how the reformers had goals and method for assisting the poor. In conclusion, reformers had goals and methods to achieve their goals. The reformers goal were women suffrage and assisting the poor. Their methods to achieve their goals were raising public awareness for women suffrage, and creating a social organization to help the poor out. All in this proves in the 1800’s and early 1900’s reformers in the unites states had their own goals and trying different methods to advance the