Essay On Declaratory Act

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Declaratory Act The British colonies and America were bristling under the rule of Britain. They thought the rules and regulations of their government were unfair and left little behind to develop the respective countries. Britain implemented many Acts, including the Declaratory Act, during this time in the 1700s. The colonists eventually boycott them due to their severity. As such, many fought against such Acts, as they did the Stamp Act, which was eventually overturned. Declaratory Act Definition (h2) On March 18 1766, the British Parliament implemented the Declaratory Act. It was the substitute, after the repeal of the Stamp Act. This was a time of celebration for the colonist, due to the severity and unfairness of the Stamp Act; but things …show more content…

He was forceful in his argument and pointed out the unconstitutional nature of the British Declaratory Act; especially by imposing such high taxes on the colonies. It is not for the purpose of sending a message, to those in America that has been the responsibility of the colonial legislatures. Purpose of the Declaratory Act (h2) The purpose of the Declaratory Act was establishing British rule in every eventuality, via laws, in the colonies. The British parliament would have jurisdiction, in America, as it did in Britain; that meant that whatever laws were repealed or approved in Britain, would also be repealed or approved in America and other British colonies. British colonies were not necessarily against the Parliamentary superiority, in enforcing laws; however, they were disgruntled about the taxation policies. William Pitt received much recognition for his part in the repeal of the Stamp Act. Those in the colonies celebrated, after this turn of events. People made statues of Pitt and they were set up in the streets. His pictures were hung or erected in public halls. Somehow the significance of the Declaratory Act was not immediately considered, because everyone was busy basking in supposed defeat of the British