Essay On Descartes Meditation 4

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In this essay I will be assessing Descartes’ theory of truth and error set out in Meditation 4 which I believe it does not successfully solves the problem that it is supposed to and will be substantiating my stance which is contrary to that of Descartes. In the inception of the fourth Meditation Descartes give a kind of inventory of the things he has discovered, by this point he is sure of three things the first is that he exists the second but with a level of questionable certainty that he is a thinking thing and the third is that God exists a view which he had established in his third meditation but in the fourth meditation Descartes also discovers a problem,where he calls into question all the ideas are obtained from the senses. Descartes aim is not to demonstrate that reality is a fallacy or that it is intolerable for us to know if anything is what it is but to demonstrate that all our skills acquired through experience or education of these things through the senses is open to uncertainty. …show more content…

The primary concept in each of these is that we never observe exterior objects directly, but only through the lenses of our own mind after all sense experience never puts us in contact with the objects themselves, but only with conceptual pictures. Sense perception presents no certainty that there is anything in the external world that collerates to the images we have in our mind. Descartes brings to light dreams, a deceiving God, and an evil demon as methods of inspiring this doubt in the credibility of our sense