Essay On Dissociative Identity Disorder

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Ten. That is the average amount of distinct personalities someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder will have. There is a woman whose name is Kim Noble, she was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID) in 1995. She has over 100 personalities, at least 4 or 5 a day. She is a mother, and was even on Oprah to discuss her disorder.(Grimminck, 10 Famous Cases of DID). What is Dissociative Identity Disorder, and what comes with it? Dissociative Identity Disorder stems from some nature of trauma(physical, emotional, and/or sexual), and is typically abuse but isn’t always. In the case of Chris Costner Sizemore, who was two years old when she experienced her first personality split. While Sizemore came from a loving home, she saw a dead man pulled out of a ditch.(10 Famous Cases of DID) …show more content…

They may also have suicidal thoughts. They may also struggle with an eating disorder, or sleeping problems. Though I did read an article, that I do not remember the name of, in which the author was speaking about the fact that not everyone with DID has suicidal thoughts, mood swings, eating disorders. They could just be “normal” people. Most often times persons with DID do struggle with depression or self mutilation/harm in their teen years because of the trauma they suffered as children. Many people self mutilate thought, 70% is skin cutting, 21-44% is head banging or hitting, and 15-35% is burning, that set of statistics is for all people who self harm and not just people with DID (Mental Health America, Self Injury). Dissociative Identity Disorder is a popular Dissociative Disorder that many people have, mostly women though. It is usually brought on by a trauma at a young ag. The trauma causes a split, or multiple splits in the psyche. And results in more than one personality disorder. Having this disease doesn’t automatically make you a child kidnapper. Sources cited: Online

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