Essay On Dog Stress

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Stress is best acknowledged as the body response to demand, pressure, anxiety and boredom as caused by both the pleasant and dire events. According to medical practitioners, stress is disastrous in most cases as it tends to reduce human performance and mental development. However, just the same way homo sapiens get tired of something easily, so also do canines suffer and Consequently act in response to stress, hence, it is essential to have our four legged friends occupied with events that facilitate a healthy body and mind development thus, to eliminating redundancy and its associated behaviors. Over the years, it has been discovered that dogs tend to experience quite a few alignments and bad conduct ranging from violent behavior, isolation, lack of appetite to diarrhea, restlessness, anxiety, hacking into furniture and other items within reach, needless barking, house dirtying particularly when alone, superfluous licking and nibbling on body parts such as feet and legs. And other alignments as a …show more content…

consequently, when choosing your dog toys, it is important to choose wisely with preference to size as small toys have been found to be easily be chewed, swallowed, ingested and destroyed. Also, thoroughly inspection of the toys for string, pin, ribbon, bands, safety labels and other harmful objects that could be ingested should be carried out taking into consideration that most attractive things are often the most dangerous thing. Additionally, it is not only important to acquire interactive toys as it helps keep your dog busy all day, but it also enhances the bond between you and your pet. Caution must be exerted while choosing the size of such toys as neither its jaws, nor the tongue must get trapped in the opening of the