How Does Education Eradicate Poverty?

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As responsible global citizens, we should concern ourselves with the question of whether the poverty and inequality matter. It does. Poverty, defined by Google as “the state of being extremely poor”, is an extremely important problem in the world. Over 1.3 billion people worldwide live on less than 1.25 USD per day, and this number is growing as wars and lack of employment are forcing people into poverty. Poverty is a significant and growing problem worldwide- one that costs the world’s economy hundreds of billions of dollars. In this report, I will be writing on the correlation between education and poverty and how education can help eradicate poverty.
Education and poverty are inversely related. I believe that education is a major factor …show more content…

In Pakistan, researchers found out there has been a direct linear relationship between the money earnt and education levels of a person. It has been found out that for every extra year of schooling given, the earnings of a person increased by 7.2%. The salary of a person would be increased by 37% in Pakistan, compared between 10 years of schooling and no schooling. Thus, this illustrates how education can increase the earning potential of the poor which in turn will help them out of poverty. The educational attainment level of the household head can help affect households’ poverty in Pakistan. An increase in schooling for the household head can not only help increase the income but also can also enhance the productivity of other members of the family and also increases the chance of the other members to also participate in schooling and education.
For decades, the United States has fought poverty. In 1964, the President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson declared “war against poverty”. So, what is the situation of poverty in the United States? According to the National Poverty Centre, in 2010, “15.1% of all persons lived in poverty”.
SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010, Report P60, n. 238, p. 61.
A sampling of the 2010 America Poverty Thresholds, as provided by the U.S Bureau of the Census …show more content…

Though I may be a student and may not make a big difference, I have taken a personal response for this issue. Recently, I have went to Chiang Rai in Thailand, where I taught English to Thailand children in schools, which did not provide an English curriculum. By teaching them, they learnt some basic vocabulary which could improve their chances for finding jobs and could even move to other countries to work. In addition, I have joined an activity, Local Link Outreach Project in Hong Kong, which gave me the opportunity to teach English to local schools in Pokfulam and Aberdeen areas, where the quality of English education was not high. Even though they might not be in poverty, a better English lesson could help them communicate with