Essay On Epilepsy

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Temporary glitches or misfires in the brain's electrical activity is otherwise known as epilepsy.Epilepsy is a central nervous system brain disorder and the electrical disruptions and cause many different symptoms on the body. Cause of epilepsy can be different in each individual and varies by age and genetics.What is for sure is the causes of epilepsy is unknown. Epilepsy is a very scary disorder /disease, many things can cause seizures,from genetics to disorders, injuries, even a change in the structure of the brain. Any age can produce seizures from, newborn to seniors.Newborns can have lack of oxygen at birth to malformations even from drug use in the mother. Children to adults it could be, Febrile or fever induced seizures or infections. …show more content…

Generalized seizures are seizures that Affect all areas of the brain. Six known types exist, ● Absence seizure or petit mal-staring into space.can cause loss of awareness ● Tonic seizures causes muscle tightening and can affect the legs or arms or back ● Atonic seizuresor drop seizures will cause you to fall to floor. ● Clonic seizures causes jerking muscle movement ● Myoclonic causes sudden jerks of the arms or legs ● Tonic- Clonic(Grand Mal )seizures causes loss of consciousness body stiffening and even a chance of urination or biting tongue. Grand Mal seizures are the worst seizures. Epilepsy is defined by and diagnosed by observed behavior. Seizures are seen on an EEG( electroencephalogram) which is a test that shows abnormal brain waves. Epilepsy has serious consequences for schooling, social development, even employment. A person's way of life is dramatically changed. Some used to think it was a “Sacred disease”, because, Ancient Greece believed they were possessed by spirits or demons. The reasoning was because there was no known info on the seizures. Many individuals have seizures. Although there may not be an exact reason

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