Essay On Europeans And Native Americans

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The arrival of the Europeans in North America was slightly harmful for the Native Americans but helpful to the Europeans. The Europeans did not like most of the Native American customs such as their religious beliefs and eating habits. Likewise the Native Americans supposed Europeans were careless with their cash. They didn't like how they Europeans were so eager of beaver furs and deer hides. They used the skins of the animals for many things. Because of these changes the Native Americans and the Europeans remained on good term for only a short time. They migrated through a land bridge that existed between Asia and North American in the area that is now the Bering Straits. The Native Americans established distinct groups or nations. It is …show more content…

Each nation or group spoke the same language, and almost all were organized around an extended clan or family. Back then family was a very important feature. They usually run down from one individual. Each group had a chains of front-runners, in some cases the leaders inherited their responsibilities in others they were chosen. Native Americans believed in the power of the spirits. The spirits were found in nature. They saw everything they used as donation from the giver. Their religious leaders were called Shamans. Native Americans supposed that individuals should live in agreement with nature. They did not trust that people should own property rather the land belonged to everybody. The Plains expanded from the Rocky Mountains to Mississippi River. The regions had bulky herds of Buffalo and antelope, which providing a profuse amount of food. The Native Americans of the plains comprised the Crow Cheyenne, Pawnee, Sioux, and Comanche. I think this place was really blunt. Not too much excitement. The Southeast was the highest occupied place of all the areas of North America. It was the home to the Natchez Creek Choctaw, and Cherokee. And many of the natives of the southeast killed deer, buffalo and other animals. The normal job of the Native Americans of the Southeast were

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