Essay On Foster Care

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Foster care came about in the United States from many Americans researching English Poor Law. At this time, the children placed into these homes were there because their parents or guardians were deceased, unlike now since foster care is for children who are abused or mistreated by their families. In the middle of the nineteenth century, Charles Loring Brace founded the Children’s Aid Society. Mr. Brace believed that by removing children from the city and placing them with families who owned farms, they would have a chance of escaping a lifetime of suffering and torture. This lead to the Orphan Train Movement that transferred over 120,000 children to new lives in different states across the country. Some of these children were treated with love and kindness, meanwhile others were treated as slaves who worked long hours …show more content…

During that time, there was no system that protected the children who were being abused since they were not a main priority in society. In the 1900s, some social agencies began to supervise and pay foster parents for taking in children who needed homes. Foster care in the United States today has many different types of foster homes for children. For example, there is the single foster family that contains one or more parents who care for up to six children in their household, group homes, and also kinship cares in which foster children are placed with a relative or a person that the child knows and is comfortable with. Kinship care receives the support a foster parent would receive from an agency (Harris, Tom). In 2015, the Children’s Rights Program conducted a study in which they found that more than half of the children in the foster care system are of color. This is a huge discovery since it is known by Americans that many people living here have struggles and may not have the best area for children to be

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