
Essay On Frankenstein

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To the Class of 2024, The monster Frankenstein created wasn’t always the treacherous, murderous person Frankenstein claimed. I have come to realize the monster wasn’t born with malice characteristics, he was born vastly misunderstood and alone. Throughout the novel, the monster's development of characteristics is first shown as innocent and confused. These characteristics are later affected by the journey he undertakes. Near the end of the novel, he is turned into a treacherous person with no remorse. How did this come to be? Upon the monster's birth, Frankenstein was so frightened by what he had created, he ran from the monster and abandoned him. The monster was left all alone, like a baby who had been abandoned by its mother. With no guidance …show more content…

Confused and drowning in agony, the monster ran into the woods where he could finally seek shelter away from humanity. He later ends up living near a small cottage where its inhabitants (The Delancys) show him how to feel different emotions, read books, speak, and write. At this point in the novel the monster had transformed from a being of total confusion, into a being of complete understanding and emotion. He was compassionate, kind, and loving toward the Delancy family. Once they were introduced to the monster, they fled in horror with one glance at his face. The monster was hardened by this interaction and began to show feelings of rage and anger. At this point in the novel, he was angry that he's completely alone and began looking for his creator. His final characteristics begin to form upon entering Geneva and killing Victor's brother. The monster's journey of revenge against Victor, after being denied a mate, changed his character forever. The monster wanted to terrorize Victor by hunting and killing everyone he ever loved. As a result of these actions against Victor, and isolation from humanity, his innocent characteristics degraded. Initially, the monster felt compassion and kindness towards others, but the world's rejection turned him into a …show more content…

I wish the people in high school could see past all their stupid drama and care about real things. I wish I were invited to things more often so that instead of assuming things about me, people would actually know me. But then I remember, these people wouldn’t make me happy, so why wish for their approval? I guess it’s natural to want people to like you but why do I catch myself wanting the people I believe to be shallow, to like me? During the weekdays when Bennington people are hanging out, going to lunch together, and making future plans, I am just sitting at home, by myself, waiting for the weekend so I can escape this place and play pretend for a couple of days. I keep reminding myself that what feels like an eternity now will only be a memory in a year, and mostly forgotten in five. High school isn’t your forever Class of 2024. Just because you feel alone now doesn’t mean you will be alone forever. You will find your people and develop relationships that will last a lifetime. High school is only a blip of your life, don’t let it break you. Stay away from the drama, stay away from people who will lead you into trouble, study hard and enjoy it- every

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