Essay On Gender Roles In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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As per usual, advancements in a story are made through various literary elements, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Frankenstein is of no exception. Though what sets this authors use of these elements apart is the effectiveness in which they are presented in what can be considered a prologue of sorts, the letters. As a foreshadowing to what may occur between characters of differing sexes, gender roles are established. For the development of the a main character, Robert Walton, season (a key factor in character development as discussed in the literary work To Read Like A Professor) is described in thorough detail by non other than Walton himself, as he also goes on to discuss his opinion on it. Gender roles remain an important developmental tool …show more content…

"The winter has been dreadfully severe, but the spring promises well, and it is considered as a remarkably early season, so that perhaps I may sail sooner than I expected" (2) is a statement expressing his hope in a new beginning, spring. He believes that setting sail elsewhere will allow him to pursue his goals, more specifically the development of his enterprise. Walton appears to be less than pleased with the death of all affiliated season of winter where "[he] voluntarily endured cold, famine, thirst, and want of sleep." (2) In several instances he expresses his distaste with the season but he takes no less of an opportunity to mention it will not deter him, slowly allowing for the growth of his will to face the challenges presented by the weather conditions, he adjusts so that he may pursue that in which he is tasked with. Season although slowly, does surely begin to change Walton at his core and as he toils on his certainty that he will succeed swells. As gender roles develop the various ways the story will unfold, specifically character interaction, season does no less with individual character development. The elements expressed in the beginning of the story are key to its advancement and act in butterfly effect ultimately being the possible catalysts to its ending. Their importance remaining unmatched and