Essay On Hawaiian Religion

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I decided to write my research paper on the ancient Hawaiian religion because not many people know that Hawaiians in fact had their own religion before Christianity came into the islands in the eighteen hundreds or earlier. In ancient Hawaiian days, believed in one or more gods or goddesses which is polytheism is when a group or individual believes in one or more gods or goddesses. The also believed that all objects had souls. I wanted to use Tylor's theory because his theory focuses on animistic, theory of nature, I believe that his theory fits in the Hawaiian religion. They believed in over 20 gods and goddesses which some of them were objects like war, hula, love, ocean and fire, also volcanoes and animals. The Hawaiians practice their religion by doing rituals such as hula, forgiveness, and weddings This religion is based off of believing in the supernatural forces. They believed that this supernatural force filled the skies, sea, and …show more content…

These movements of hula tell a story or represent movements of nature. Laka, the Goddess of hula, would separate the hula dancers into two groups. Olapa, or the agile o, represents the younger generation of dances with more energy. Ho'o-paa, or the steadfast ones, represents the elders who sang and played their musical instruments. Most people don't know is that Hula Dancing originate from a series of only six traditional moves. These movements are kaholo (moving from right to left), uwehi (step and pop), lele uwehi (slide point back pop), ami (moving hips around), ami kuku (hip around and step down), and ami hema (reverse ami). There are a wide variety ways of using these base movements to create unique and beautiful performances. In tradition, both men and women wearing knee level skirts made of palm leaves as well as flower leis around their arms, lower legs and heads. Hula tells stories of the gods, the nature, love, and how life

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