Essay On Health Disparities

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Health disparities or health inequities can be defined as potentially avoidable differences in health (or in health risks that policy can influence) between groups of people who are more and less advantaged socially. These groups may be based on race, ethnicity, immigrant status, disability, sex or gender, sexual orientation, geography, and income. In today’s society many racial/ethnic minority groups face many challenges such as high rate of obesity, people without health insurance, and a high percentage of babies born with low birth weights. Determinants of health are factors such as gestational endowment, social circumstances, behavior choices, environment conditions, and availability to medical care that contributes to a person’s health. These conditions are shaped by the amount of money, power, and resources that a person has. Many racial/ethnic minority groups in …show more content…

Unhealthy eating, lack of physical activity, obesity, smoking, or excessive use of alcohol are all medical conditions and lifestyle choices that racial minority groups make that puts them at a higher health risk. According to Louisiana Center for Health, researchers those socioeconomic factors also contributed to poorer health through obesity and less physical activity, in addition to less access to doctors for regular checkups. In 2015, black people had a 40% higher death rate than whites from any cause in every age group for people under 65. Poverty and obesity is highly correlated; Poor families cannot afford to buy healthy foods with high nutrition because they are on a strict budget. They have to stretch their budget into buying fast food with higher fat content because it is quicker and cheaper. Moreover, racial minority groups have a higher rate of obesity because majority of them are unaware of what a nutritious meal consist

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