Essay On If One Political Party Is Driven By Logic

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If one political party is driven by logic and one by heart which one is which and why? After researching multiple issues and the stances of both the Democratic and Republican party, I would have to describe the Democratic party as being more driven by heart and the Republican party as being more driven by logic. I would like to emphasize that on some issues, like abortion. Then again, it depends on what lense I look at the problem through and the reasoning behind each parties’ ideas that determined my labeling. In the end, I did find myself labeling the Democratic standpoint as being more heart lead in comparison to the Republicans’. The four issues that I found to lead the best example of this labeling would be in issues such as immigration, healthcare, environment, and the minimum wage. I have defined standpoints of being more heart driven as sounding more appealing and inclusive at first, but forgetting what downsides could follow. To me, being logic lead means taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture of how changing one thing could cause something else to fall. To be less vague, I will use the four previously mentioned examples and apply them to the …show more content…

They wish to reduce immigrant backlog and extend the promise of citizenship to those still struggling for freedom. While this does sound very appealing, it is ,in my opinion, a little too naive. Although most Americans share the belief that America is the best country in the world, there are a lot of other people out there that are not raised the same way. I find the Republican approach to be more sound sounding as their stance is to protect the citizens that are already in the border first. They agree that immigrants are capable of experiencing the American Dream, but if one mishap happens during the process, the country could potentially be in