Essay On Japanese Internment Camps In The Scarlet Letter

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On December 7, 1941, imperial Japan attacked Pearl Harbor without warning. From this day on, Americans feared another attack from Japan. In response, President Roosevelt signed an executive order that forced Japanese Americans into internment camps, these actions were influenced by lobbyist. In addition, the attack on Pearl Harbor was used as justification for his action. In Nathaniel Hawthorne 's The Scarlet Letter, the main protagonist Hester Prynne is charged with adultery. Hester is the only person to be charged, but there many in the town that have also committed adultery. The Japanese Americans and Hester Prynne were both singled out and persecuted wrongfully.

In Puritan society during the 17th century, the popular belief was that their town was to be a symbol of perfection to all others. To uphold this belief the Puritans punished …show more content…

Many Japanese American men joined the military. These soldiers were not allowed to fight on the Pacific Front, so they proved themselves on German Front. The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was an all Japanese group and they were well decorated for their deeds in Germany and Italy ( Staff). In The Scarlet Letter, Hester faced the humiliation of her sin head on. She did want to bear the guilt of her sin, so she chose to be open with it. Eventually she reveals the character that is more evil than her. “‘Be it sin or no,’ said Hester Prynne bitterly, as she still gazed after him, ‘I hate the man’...’Yes, I hate him!’ repeated Hester, more bitterly than before. ‘He betrayed me! He has done me worse wrong than I did him!’” ( Hawthorne 138). This quote shows her secondary reaction. She expresses that although she has sinned that there is a greater sinner among them. She reveals that the real problem is Chillingworth and not