Essay On Jewish Resistance

1995 Words8 Pages

Jewish resistance during the occupation of the Nazis varied significantly among different members of the Jewish community. It is therefore inaccurate to simplify Jewish actions or inactions during this time by placing Jews into one category. It is important to take into account those who put up an armed resistance against Nazi power, even if this was the minority. Additionally, the efforts made to hide Jews who were at risk showed that some were willing to resist despite the consequences. Indirect resistance involved the continued educational opportunities for the Jewish community and the practising of religion, despite the restrictions placed on undertaking these activities. However, although some showed patterns of resistance during the Holocaust, …show more content…

Although this is the case for some Jews such as Hershel, the large majority of Jews undertook resistance that had not been direct. Some chose to hide Jews who were most vulnerable from the threats of Nazis and thereby saved the lives of many. Additionally, the continued practice of religion despite threats against this, allowed some Jews to resist Nazis suppression and keep from feeling dehumanized. Similarly, through secret study and the creation of schools for Jewish children, the Jewish community was able to resist the banishment of education. However, the consideration of compliancy to Nazi orders is also important to understand why some did not resist. Compliancy provided Jews with an opportunity to survive, however it is important to realize that when reflecting on the various forms of Jewish resistance, some did not have a choice on whether or not to resist and that compliance was the only option. From the words of Joseph K., ‘it is very difficult to raise a finger against a machine gun’ and this should be kept in consideration when judging those who did not resist the threat of annihilation from the Nazi

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