Essay On Justin Trudeau

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Justin Trudeau, the Twenty Third (23rd) Prime Minister of Canada Comes from a lineage of great leaders, whether it be in business or otherwise, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Grandfather Charles-Emile Trudeau was a successful French-Canadian businessman, His Father Pierre Trudeau was the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada before becoming the fifteenth (15th) prime Minister of Canada from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. Pierre Trudeau was the Third longest serving Prime Minister in Canadian History. Justin Trudeau has been the Leader of the Liberal Party in Canada since 2013 and the country’s leader since 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the second youngest Prime Minister of Canada.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau supported the …show more content…

They exist in the form of constitutional conventions. The Prime Minister has a lot on influence over the executive branch of government due to the fact that they control ministerial appointments. According to the Canadian convention the Prime Minister has the power to assign, appoint and dismiss members of cabinet, this means that even though the Prime Minister cannot force Members of parliament to take a specific position, they can be “motivated” to “adopt” the Prime Ministers Views if they are afraid they might lose their jobs. The Prime Minister of Canada also has a lot of influence over the legislative branch of government, this includes but is not limited to the ability to decide the timing of the election and the ability to better control which laws will be passed and when. The Prime Minister of Canada is also in charge of appointing Judges and Senators.
According to the Office of the prime minister, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Vision is For Canada to be a country where everyone has a real and fair chance to succeed and to make Canada the place where everyone has the opportunities they need to …show more content…

He also faced criticism due to the fact that he was often seen as being too young and inexperienced to lead the political party, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau however, approached his numerous obstacles head on with a positive attitude and focused energy. He never resorted to attacking his opponents, like they had often done to him in their ad campaigns. He based his campaigns on issues that were important to Canadians and himself and promising them a change, this approach caused him to regain a lot of