Essay On Loss In Sports

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When an athlete loses it is a troubling time for them to overcome. When I was younger I was on this traveling soccer club called EISA, Eastern Iowa Soccer Association, and my first year we went undefeated and it was the best feeling in the world. Then I was moved up to the next level, I was the only one that was since I was the oldest one on the team. That team did not favor as well as my first one. We lost every game expect one for four years in a row. Losing for any athlete is a hard thing to overcome. All you want to do is win over and over. When athletes lose they can become a CORFer, Cut Off Reflected Failure (Whitbourne, 2011). When an athlete that develops this kind of behavior they will be less likely to wear their sports gear the day after their loss. They will say: ‘they lost’ and not ‘we lost’, they try to distance themselves from the team so that they don’t have to be associated with the team in any way. Causes of losing are when you don’t practice the way that you need to, not be faithful to the team when you lose and when you accept defeat before you even compete. Sometimes this can affect an athlete, because the player tends to be more emotional and they might end up quitting a sport they are individually really good at. For an athlete to prepare for a loss they need to practice hard every day, not to quit the event and they need to be faithful to the team.
Athletes need to …show more content…

Do these things every single day and actively doing them will help athletes prepare for losing and they will have more fun. When it comes down to it all they want to do is have fun, and even though losing is bad and annoying being able to move on from it will make you a better athlete and it will help you compete better. Every single day practice, don’t quit and be loyal and you will be able to handle any loss that comes your