Essay On Lowering The Drinking Age

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“Alcohol is the drug of choice among america’s adolescents used by more than tobacco or illicit drugs. There are 10.1 million underage drinkers in the United States 39% current 8th graders 58% 10th graders and 72% 12th graders. Drinking laws should be lowered to 18 instead of 21. You may not agree but lowering the drinking age is lowering 25% of the crimes that go on today. I feel like there’s importance in lowering the drinking age.Drinking alcohol is an enjoyable activity.It's better for the economy if you lower the drinking age. Young adults will be drawn out of private residences into more open setting like a bar or a club. When Lowering the age limit if a 18 year old goes to a bar it's a much more monitored surrounding for that individual to be in. If a 17 year old is driving somewhere with their friends and you see that they drinking , there for one gonna be nervous that they could get caught by police by parents. If they lowering the drinking age it's avoiding a large percent of car accidents with the drinker being the victim or not. There’s less people who are young and get into fights then get into even more trouble for drinking underage. The law in most states also makes it a crime for people of legal drinking age …show more content…

Many supported,er456rs argue that lowering the drinking age is going to lower teens grades, run-ins with the law, drug use. With that being said nobody said kids will be drinking on a daily basis which some might but some might have a couple drinks just to spice up the weekends. Also today many people think that teens are not adapted enough, their brains are still developing so they can’t cope with alcohol as much as kids can. Also affects the nervous system. Not disagreeing all the way but don't people put things into their body every day that is probably 10 times as bad as putting alcohol in your system. “In private locations and with either parent/guardian or

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