Essay On Mass Shootings

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Mass Shootings We have a crisis in America, mass shootings are happening more frequently in The United States than ever before. Mass shootings are a crisis in America and are killing hundreds each year. In the eighties, nineties, and even in the early two thousands may have had a two or three mass shootings in the decade. In the past ten years mass shootings seem to happen every few months. In an article for the New York Times, Michael Schmidt, wrote on how the F.B.I. has confirmed that mass shootings are on a rise in The United States in the past ten years. Schmidt reported “There were, on average, 16.4 such shootings a year from 2007 to 2013, compared with an average of 6.4 shootings annually from 2000 to 2006. In the past 13 years, 486 people have been killed in such shootings, with 366 of the deaths in the past seven years. …show more content…

Under the Second Amendment, of the Constitution, according to The National Rifle Association, states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (NRA-ILA 1.) To clarify on the subject, from the National Rifle Association website, explains “The Second Amendment is about protecting the right of a free people to defend that freedom and to protect their families and communities from threats” (NRA-ILA 1.) All United States citizens are protected under The Second Amendment allowing them the right to own firearms, and may be used for many different situations. In other words, The Second Amendment gives all legal United States citizens the right to own a firearm. Gun ownership rights may be taken away from citizens if they are a felon, have been convicted of a violent crime, or are on probation or parole. Taking away gun ownership rights to certain individuals with a violent past is one way to prevent violent shootings, and help stop this