Mayan Civilization

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The Mayan very important group of the world. The Mayan are located in Mexico and Central America.The climate in ancient mayan was very warm and dry in the summer in the winter it was still warm. The Mayans had three major time periods: preclassic (2000 BC-AD 300), classic (300-900), and postclassic (900-1500).The capital for the Mayans were the ancient Maya city of Tikal. One by one, the Classic cities in the southern lowlands were abandoned, and by A.D. 900, Mayan civilization in that region had collapsed.The Mayan ate Maize (milpa) was one of the most important crops but so too were root crops such as sweet manioc, beans, squash, amaranth, and chile peppers. And the Aztec ate crop grown by the them and it maize, also known as …show more content…

The Inca and the Aztec had Deep religious. Ex: They both had human sacrifices. Built huge ceremonial temples where they performed human sacrifices. The Incas lived in the mountains and the Mayans did not. Incas were ruled by an established government ; Mayas were ruled by kings and priests. The Mayans and the Aztec both built great cities. They both were located in present day Mexico. They also Worshipped many gods. Aztec fell to Spanish invaders ; Maya disappeared back into the jungle, the maya lived much earlier than the Aztecs ; Also the Maya civilization lasted longer. The Aztec and the Incan civilizations ended in the 1500's when the Spanish took over. The Aztec and the Inca deeply religious and worshipped may gods. Incas lived in the mountains of Peru and used llamas to help with farming. And the Aztecs were more focused around the city of Tenochtitlan. The three groups were very different and very similar. Even though all the group’s had something different. That's what made the three groups them. These three tribe were very important, they all had something different, but that's would make them all very good tribes. They were the three most dominant and advanced civilizations that developed in the Americas prior to the arrival of the Europeans were the Aztecs, the Maya, and the