Essay On Medicare

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Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, or younger people with disabilities, and people who have End-stage renal disease that need permeant dialysis or transplant. Medicare includes Parts A, B, C and D. The program helps with the cost of health care, but it doesn’t cover all medical expenses or the cost of most long-term care. Parts A and B are considered Original Medicare. When you sign up for Medicare you are automatically enrolled in Parts A and B and must disenrollment in Part B to avoid paying the part B premium if you don’t want it. Medicare Advantage (Part C) is a sort of supplemental plan offered private companies that works with Original Medicare to provide you greater benefits and cost coverage. Medicare Advantage Plans are health plan options (like HMOs and PPOs) approved by Medicare and run by private companies. These plans are part of the Medicare Program and are sometimes called "Part C" or "MA plans." Medicare pays an amount for your care every month to these private health plans. Medicare Advantage Plans must follow rules set by Medicare. Medicare Advantage Plans aren't supplemental insurance …show more content…

If you receive your benefits from a Medicare Advantage organization or other company approved by Medicare, you have a Medicare Advantage plan. Many of these plans provide extra coverage and may lower your out-of-pocket costs. If you have Medicare Parts A and B, you can join a Medicare Advantage plan. Private companies, approved by Medicare, offer Medicare Advantage plans. With these plans, you can’t have a Medigap policy, because Medicare Advantage plans cover many of the same benefits a Medigap policy covers. This includes benefits like extra days in the hospital after you’ve used days that Medicare

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