Essay On Mexican Family

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Search Again family is a “close-knit group and the most important social group to gather in any events or special days” (Mendez). It is at the centre of the social structure. The Mexican “family unit” includes not only parents and children, but also extended families and grandparents. As it provides a sense of stability in relationships. Children are taught at a young age that one must give the most “respeto” (respect) and honor to family members such as parents, aunts, uncles, and especially grandparents (elders). This is why most Mexicans consider it their responsibility and duty to help family members. For example, they will help one another with financial problems, health, and any other life issue. Another important aspect of Mexican families is the roles of family members at home. In most Mexican households it is traditional that the male figure such as the father is the head of the household. The father tends to dictate big family issues and decisions. While the mother take care …show more content…

It is a common reality all of these individuals have. They have a sense of identity that is very similar to one another 's. Culture is transmitted through stories, memories, and experiences. It is all passed through generation to generation. For example, one way culture is passed generation to generation is through symbols. These symbols can be written or spoken such as bibles and books. The symbols can also be materialistic items that include flags, rings, religious icons and etc. Jackie Encino states, ”My family has a tradition of giving every newlywed in the family a statue of my mother 's Mexican hometown religious saint, ‘Santo Santiago’. We do this in order for all of us to always remember our faith, culture, and where we come from”. Families uphold Mexican culture through special acts like this. These gestures may seem simple to their families, but have a much deeper meaning as they play a huge part of the transmission of