Essay On Military Activities After Ww1

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The military activities and innovations after World War I (WWI) greatly influenced the military operations and outcome of World War II. France and Britain were victorious, but the effect of the previous war persuaded these countries to shift their focus on smaller militaries rather than the art of war. The Treaty of Versailles imposed many requirements and restrictions on the Germans, but this did not stop the Germans from being a military force to be reckoned with during the late 1930s and early 1940s. As a matter of fact, this imposement forced the Germans to be innovative as they pursued to increase their military prowess in the 1930s. All of the countries involved in WWI had the same experience and knowledge about the war and military capabilities and limitations, but the level of input they individually invested in their military were very different. Thus, the most significant obstacles to military innovation during the interwar period were the level of threats, the interwar funding, and political factors. The …show more content…

Therefore, the US planned a strategic operation called Plan Orange, an operation specifically addressing a conflict with Japan, which shaped the US navy’s force structure. At that time, the US military’s innovation was focused on developing weapons and capabilities that could neutralize or destroy the Japanese Navy. This resulted in a more complex and sophisticated naval force, as well as, Army’s long-range bombers, heavy coast artillery and tactical aviation. Since the Japanese navy only threatened the US’s interests in the Pacific region, the US did not invest much on its armored forces because this capability “appeared to have limited relevance to a war with Japan.” Hence, clearly identified threats drove innovation approaches, supports, and

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