Essay On Minimum Wage

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Merriam Webster defines minimum wage as the lowest wage paid or permitted to be paid to an employee for work. Many of us started working for a job, which requires minimal work experience in exchange for minimum compensation. Starting off with a minimum wage job teaches core values that are essential to working up the career ladder. Although many people are on the working force, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, around 46 million people are living in poverty. Poverty is caused by a number of reasons. Many people who are in poverty take loans and by doing so they get themselves into debt. Over the years our economy digs itself a hole deeper and deeper. The US federal government debt is estimated to be $18.6 trillion at end of 2015. Now it is essential to figure out a plan to get out of that hole. Workers who earn minimum wage In the United …show more content…

Most workers are younger than the age of 25 which is 1/5th of workers who get paid hourly. Gender: From the workers working hourly about 5% are women compared to the 3% that are men. Race: Everyone works minimum wage jobs, the BLS report indicates the percentage of hourly workers according to their race. We start from the highest percentage, about 5% are Black workers, 4% are White workers, another 4% are Hispanic/Latino workers, and 3% are Asian workers. Education: The minimum age requirement to work in the United States is 16 year old. Among these workers about 10% are without a high school diploma. For the students who went to high school are at about 4%, and around 2% of college graduates are working for minimum wage. The statistics are very point blank obvious that the more education you have the lower the chance of working for minimum wage. Martial status: Young, never-married workers account for around 8%. For those lucky love birds who are married are about 2% to earn the minimum wage. Full & Part

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