Essay On Mt St. Helens

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If the temperature of a rock is high and if the pressure is low, then magma can be formed from the rock. Magma also can be formed if water is added to the rock which causes the melting pressure to decrease. This is what creates lava. Earth’s Moon, Mars, Venus, and all the moons of Jupiter show evidence of volcanoes. A volcano is a mountain that is connected to a pool of lava which is a combination of magma and molten rock. The lava comes out of a hole in the top of the mountain that connects to the center of the Earth where all the lava is. I live one mile away from Mount St. Helens which is a Strato volcano. This volcano is very old, but it is very active. The last time Mount St. Helens erupted was on July 10, 2008. It is now 2014 and Mount St. Helens has been very quiet for the last couple of months. A couple of months ago, Mount St. Helen let out a blast of smoke but no lava. It has been doing the same thing but it has not erupted. My family and I have always been prepared for a volcanic disaster. We have a survival pack that has a first-aid kit, three flash lights, batteries, lots of canned food, and water. We store this near our front door for quick and easy access. …show more content…

It gave us enough time to safely get what we needed and head evacuate. And the lava flow went down the side of Mount St. Helens before it went straight to the city. So that bought us about thirty minutes to get where we needed to go. This was not easy, but it could’ve been worse if the lava flow went directly down to the city first. shield volcano - They are the largest existing volcanoes on Earth. - More than 90% of the volcano is lava and the rest is made of another type of material. - The volcano is made of rocks that are in shapes of cones. - These types of volcanoes are in the category of hot spot volcanoes. -These volcanoes are found either by themselves or near subduction volcanoes. - Erta Ale - Karthala - Masaya - Mauna

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