Essay On Muscular Dystrophy

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As we all know, I am a little different than everyone else. I used to think I was the only one in the world with Muscular Dystrophy, as I grew older I began to realize that I am not alone, and there are many others that have this disorder. I just so happen to be the only one in my school that is affected by it, so people constantly want to know what is wrong with me or some like to think they know. Occasionally there are the ones that think this disorder is going to kill me, but it won’t. I have muscular dystrophy. To be more specific it is called limb-girdle muscular dystrophy. It’s a disorder affecting voluntary muscles, mainly in the hips and shoulders. Over time, the muscle weakness can lead to limited mobility and an inability to raise your arms above the shoulders. A lot of people don’t know a whole lot about the disorder, but those that do have helped me out a lot. ¨What’s …show more content…

If anyone came up to me, even a total stranger, I would be happy to explain what is going on. A lot of people assume I can’t do very much, yet I am very appreciative when people offer to help me. I can’t lift heavy objects, run, go up steps, and I walk different than most people. I don’t think that I should be treated any differently than a ¨normal¨ person just because I can’t do those things. I am still a normal person I just do things differently to make it easier for me. The older I get the more it progresses. So life is always about adapting to the changes. I am hoping that soon there will not be as much atrophy since I am pretty much done growing, but who knows. Doctors say that my disorder is one the easiest to cure since it is not as serious as other types of muscular dystrophies. There are more than 30 forms of muscular dystrophy and each one is different. So there still is hope out there that some day someone will find a cure, but until then I am going to take every day as they come and try my