Essay On Muslim Discrimination

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In today's society Islam is one of the biggest racial and controversial groups, but is also one of the most oppressed groups. Muslims have been oppressed ever since the tragic incident of September 11th, 2001, all of the Islamic people were blamed for this incident even though only a small group was responsible. The social movement towards Muslim equality was only started because of the racism and discrimination Muslims were receiving from the public and the Press.

Muslims face discrimination even from the U.S. Government, mainly because the current U.S. President does not support Islam or Muslims of any kind. An organization named "Pew" polled Muslims that are living in america, asking them questions about their social lives and their conditions …show more content…

“19% of respondents said they had been called offensive names in the past year compared to 22% in 2011 and 15% in 2007, and the pattern and numbers were roughly similar for Muslims who said they had been singled out by airport Security officials"(Green). After the incident that occurred on September 11th 2001 airport security has been increased but mostly for Muslims only. The strictness of security only increased for Muslims who had been singled out by airport security. "half of American say Islam is not part of "mainstream American society" and 41% say Islam encourages violence more than any other faiths"(Green). Because of previous terroristic Acts by terrorist groups, violence is now associated with Islam. Only because these acts were caused in the name of Islam. In the post September 11th, 2001, environment government officials as well as sizable portions of the General Public have found it very easy to place immigrant Muslims and their families, including american-born children, into the category of existential culture and security threat"(Elfenbein). After September 11th 2001, all Muslims were alienated, even ones that were born on American soil. The public was blinded and all they could see in all Muslims are terroristic act and violence. These terroristic acts truly stained the name of Islam to the government, public, and all of

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