Essay On Narrative-Parody By Eudora Welty

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It was a tiring morning, I rubbed the weariness out of my eyes as I stumbled in to Mrs.Gilky's art room, I immediately sat in my seat awaiting further instructions. Mrs.Gilky walked to the front of the room. "Alright, today we will begin the first steps of sculpting our ducks, I will call you up in alphabetical order to get your clay. starting with Nolan." Mrs.Gilky finished. He ambled up to receive his lump of clay. Many names were called but yet not mine, I patently awaited my turn. I was bored, really bored. "Jenna T," Mrs.Gilky called. Finally I thought. I slowly roamed to receive my clay It was soft, smooth and damp, it smelled as if it were left in a closet for a while. The white clay was my favorite. The almost metallic looking paint that I could use came in so many pretty colors. I rubbed the clay in my hand It felt smooth and chalky in between my fingers. I picked up a medium sized sculpting tool from the cup as I walked past. I began to sculpt the basic contour of the duck making sure to carefully menuvored the tool to make smooth even cuts. …show more content…

I truged back to my seat and sat down, I decided that I would need a smaller tool to sculpt the details of the duck. I stepped up to go get up to retrieve the tool, my leg tugged, but I just asummed that my foot was caught, I moved it and it had seemed to be free. I went to go take a step I stumbled and began to plummet toward the floor. I fell into the girl right in front of me!. I was on the floor some what dazed. I began to step up to stand as I realized there was permanent black paint all over my new white shirt. Mrs. Gilky rushed over to me as the girl in front of me helped me wipe the paint off my