Essay On Native American Culture

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Native American culture has been around for a long time so it has had a lengthy amount of time to mature into what we know if it today. There are several Traditions and Customers that we see that are very similar across all that we know of Native American’s. Native American’s are very deeply entrenched in beliefs of being one with nature and spirit. We find that nearly all Native American tradition and culture are based on their religious believes. A few things that stand out across Native American culture according to the Wayshowers Community Fellowship are the use of Totems, Medicine Wheel’s, Medicine Shields, and various Meditation and Prayer techniques. A very commonly used technique is used in the cleansing of the human Aura or for environmental purifying. Typically through the use of Burning Sage or “Smudging” of ashes. The smoke produced by Sage is said to have unique healing properties. …show more content…

Often used in large gatherings and is based on the heartbeat or natural rhythm. These ceremonies are often said to coincide with the changing of seasons and other queues in nature. Vision Quests are a common occurrence in Native American Tradition and culture and are undertaken to allow the individual to gain a glimmer of their purpose, or to communicate with a guardian or animal spirits. This is done in many ways but often times just involves taking a trip out into nature. The Healing Claw Technique which is used to heal an individual. Totem meditations which are designed to bring out the best in what you wish to be. To set a focus on bettering yourself. Asking your spirit animal for guidance. One thing that stood out to me was “The Indian Ten Commandments” which were not surprising after reading into these various commonalities in Native American Traditions and