Essay On New Black Panther

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If one has been following the latest trend, one will know that the new Avengers movie has been another great success following the movie Black Panther. However, the New Black Panther is not a sequel to the very popular movie. The New Black Panther Party also does not refer to the melanistic colored big cat species. One might also assume that the New Black Panther Party might be a direct successor to a very popular black nationalist party, Black Panther Party. However, none of these are a correct definition of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. They are an organization who wants to and claims be a legitimate heritor of the Black Panther Party, but they are not. They are a hate group with racist ideas and violent actions. The extremist want things that can be seen treasonous to many people. One of the belief they have is that the United States should provide a separate state or a nation for Black Americans. They want to be able to make their own laws and not follow the law of the United States. They also think that all black prisoners in the United States needs to be released to “the authorities of the Black Nation.” (SPLC) According to the descriptions provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center or SPLC, the leaders of New Black Panther Party also encourage violent actions …show more content…

According to SPCL, They are anti-white and antisemitic with black supremacist religious views and their leaders “have advocated the killing of Jews and white people.”

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