Essay On No Child Left Behind Act And The Adequate Yearly Progress

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The weaknesses in the implementation of the policy are inadequate funding, relying heavily on standardized exams, technical assistance, and transferring the students to another school instead of having programs to make improvements in the school. Moving forward, for this policy to be more effective, these are things that could be considered: implementing a more supportive method than punitive method in the school, flexibility on timing, having a fully-funded initiative, and using other assessments such as projects, papers, and assignments to measure academic progress. The No Child Left Behind Act and the Adequate Yearly Progress measured students’ proficiency levels using standardized tests with an emphasis on English and Math. The Adequate Yearly Progress required that 100% of the students in the …show more content…

In the school choice provision, instead of transferring students out of the school, they should look to implement a program to make improvements in the school. Some parents did not want the hassle of transferring their children to another school. The government still needs to hold the schools accountable, but implement resources to help schools, especially schools that are located in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods. Programs should be implemented within the schools that have mentors who guide their mentees and keep each other accountable and help them through the different grade levels. Allowing schools to have flexibility on timing is important because it gives them a chance to improve. The NCLB act expected the schools to improve quickly and for some schools, it may have taken more time for the school to get back on track and improve. If the school needs for time, allow it to explain why, give a plan, and hold it accountable to that time and

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