Essay On Obesity In America

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Obesity is a critical problem in America and it’s becoming worse. Obesity is an individual that is over the average limit in weight and size. People are too busy eating fast food and fancy restaurants to notice how it is affecting their body instead of eating healthy. Americans are struggling to live a healthier lifestyle because of poor decision making and lack of exercise. Some benefits that can help prevent obesity are exercising, eating correctly and staying consistently motivated. Although it may be a serious problem for adults and even children, there are many ways to motivate people to become healthy. There are many ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy is very important to maintain good health. Becoming healthy is …show more content…

One of the biggest problems in America today is obesity. A positive way to get people to live healthier to pay them. According to Dr. Kevin Volpp, “It isn't as simple as just paying someone for doing the right thing. People tend to respond to immediate, short-term rewards (e.g. the satisfaction of eating one more piece of pizza) more readily than to delayed consequences (weight gain).” (Gounder). Many people are willing to accept other people’s request for rewards. A challenge would be an individual giving $50 to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Dr. Kevin Volpp also states, “If you make it all about rewarding smokers, you'll predictably get the reaction, 'No, we shouldn't be rewarding smokers, we should penalize them. We already are paying for the health consequences of other people smoking, eating poorly or not exercising.” (Gounder). Dr. Volpp meant that it will efficient to pay people to live a healthy lifestyle because they already paid the consequences of living poorly. “During the first five years of Healthy Incentives program, 38 percent of obese participants lost at least 5 percent of their body weight, and almost a quarter lost at least 10 percent.” (Gounder). This proves that it is paying people to lose weight can be very

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