
Essay On Oklahoma

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Throughout this semester I have learned more about Oklahoma than I have ever learned throughout all my years of schooling. Instead of a sweet, nice history, I have learned the real truth of Oklahoma’s history. I still find Oklahoma to be a beautiful state, flaws and all. I do however, wish the truth of Oklahoma’s history was taught to everyone, instead of the smoothed-over version we are so used to hearing. There are a few ways I feel Oklahoma can improve. First, we need more funding for education and a better education system all together. I feel a lot of Oklahoma’s problems stem from a lack of quality education. I also believe Oklahoma can do more to embrace our unique history, and to create a better image of our state. We seem to rank …show more content…

I want other states to view Oklahoma as a beautiful, flawed, historically rich state. I want to embrace all of Oklahoma’s past, both the good and the ugly. I want to bring to light the side of Oklahoma that is not known to many. When most people think of Oklahoma, they tend to think of Indians and cowboys, but there is so much more to Oklahoma than that. Oklahoma has a rich history, and that side deserves to be known. There have been several legal verdicts that have taken place here in Oklahoma that have influenced other states and affected people all over the country. Oklahoma also seems to never get enough attention or credit for their role in the Civil War, and also the World Wars. There is more to Oklahoma than just the Great Depression, and Dust Bowl. The people that have helped to make our history what it is deserved to be known and I encourage everyone to take an Oklahoma History class at RSU, because they will learn more about these people than they would ever think possible. People should not settle over the history of Oklahoma by what they learned in high school, they should further their studies to learn more about this diverse and historical state. Oklahoma has always had an impact in America and in forming this country, and people need to know that. Once you learn everything about Oklahoma, there is a sense of pride that follows by being associated with such an important

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