Essay On Oklahoma City Bombing

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“Oklahoma City Bombing was one of the worst terrorist acts carried out in the United States”(Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 2015,1p.). Oklahoma City was the worst terrorist attack on U.S soil until September 11,2001. On April 19,1995, the bombing had killed 168 people and injured more than 600 adults and children. The blast was equivalent to 5,000 lbs(pounds) of TNT; destroying nearby buildings in Downtown Oklahoma City, leaving many homeless.The president of United States declared this bombing a terrorist disaster, which affected victims of the bombing to be displaced. At 9:02 am., a truck filled with explosives blew up right in front of a nine-story building, Murrah Federal Building,in downtown of Oklahoma City. Emergency news rushed over to Oklahoma from all the way across the country and helped rescue adults and even kids. It directly affected parents who lost their child. The building that was blast, Murrah Federal Building, had a day care center named America’s Kids Day Care Centre; which had 21 children impacted by the bombing leaving only six survivors. The damage caused by the blast created a great …show more content…

June 2,1997 McVeigh was declared guilty on 11 counts against him. Then on August 14 the death penalty was orderly forced onto him. The year after that Michael Fortier ,a guy McVeigh met in the army, was punished for 12 years in prison for not warning the government about the OKC bombing plan. After 10 years he was released. In December 1997, Terry Nichols was established guilty on a count of scheme and eight counts of unintentional manslaughter, so he got punished for life in prison. Then gotten 161 consecutive life terms in prison. After that in December 2000 McVeigh asked the judge to just set a date for his execution. The request was accepted so his date wa June 11,2001 and “he was the first federal prisoner to be put to death since

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