
The Importance Of International Peacekeeping

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Peacekeeping is defined as the active maintenance of a truce between nations or communities, especially by an international military force. It is concerned with maintaining peace in a post-conflict region. There are several non-UN peacekeeping operations worldwide, including NATO’s missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan and the African Union’s missions in Somalia and the Central African Republic. In this issue, we observe the activities of the peacekeeping forces under the control of the United Nations.

The efforts of the United Nations at peacekeeping, under the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) have been directed towards providing security and political support to help countries make the difficult transition from conflict to peace. …show more content…

However, several operations have involved human rights violations, including human trafficking, forced prostitution and child abuse, as well as outbreak of diseases like Cholera in numerous countries. Several reforms to the UNPKF must be introduced in order to uphold international peace and security and to ensure that past failures and atrocities are not repeated. This responsibility lies with the Fourth Committee of the General Assembly (SPECPOL), according to item 56 in the General Committee’s report A/70/250, which states that ‘”comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects” is within the mandate of the …show more content…

The methods for killing were typically quite brutal, with crude instruments often employed to pummel or hack away at victims. Machetes were commonly used. Rape was also used as a weapon and included the deliberate use of perpetrators infected with HIV/AIDS to carry out sexual assaults; as a result, many Tutsi women were intentionally infected with HIV/AIDS. The departure of peacekeepers from a school where thousands of civilians had massed hoping for protection was cited as one of the main reasons for the enduring bitterness Rwandans feel Thursday toward the United Nations because of the ensuing massacre there.

UNAMIR failed to prevent this genocide, partly because of the initial murder of 10 of its members. Additionally, Secretary General Kofi Anan didn’t share with the Security Council a now-famous cable sent by Canadian Lt. Gen. Romeo Dallaire on Jan. 11, 1994 warning of the risk of genocide. Also, the United Nations and Security Council virtually ignored a groundbreaking assessment by the UN human rights investigator for Rwanda who raised the possibility in August 1993 that a genocide might

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