Essay On Pearl Harbor Dbq

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It was december 7th 1941, a day that japan ensured the world would never forget. Despite high risk japan decided to take the gamble and enact their terror on an american naval base by the name of pearl harbor. Hundred of japanese fighter planes descended onto the naval base taking a total of 2400 lives and wounding over 1000 people. There are three main that I believe lead japan to their decision those things being , oil embargo, us militarization, and the new world order and expansion. To begin with japan was upset about oil embargo. A support from document E reads “ two years from now we'll have no petroleum for military use. Ships will stop moving.”This proves my claim because at the time japan a large portion of resources from america. However there was a constant decrease in the amount the u.s gave to japan. This upset hideki Tojo who was at the time a powerful person in japan which lead to him wanting to inflict suffering.Another piece of evidence that can be used to support my claim is found in document d. The document shows data of japanese imports. On the chart it shows 3 resources, petroleum ,steel and scrap …show more content…

The support piece of evidence comes from document A and it says “ An old older in (european and American ) is now crumbling.” This quote shows how Japanese people believed that America was already a coming to an end and it was just a matter of time.The japanese believed what they were doing only sped up the process.The second quote comes from document A it states “ Japan is a fountain source of the yamato race.” ( the yamato race is pure unmixed japanese people). This evidence shows that the Japanese had their own beliefs about a perfect race. American people did not fit into this new race. If they were to have their way American features would surely be frowned upon.Overall Japan had new world order that they were going to enforce one the Americans did not fit

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