Essay On Police Use Of Drugs

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Police agencies work around the clock gaining information from investigation and public to crack down and seize drugs from society. The relation between taking drugs away from society is so police promote public awareness to how police are approaching to handle drug use within Canada. On the other hand drugs that aren't seized become sold illegal and either smoked or injected. Illicit drug use is a rising concern with relation to various types of crimes. The cost dealing with drug use within the justice budget escalates every year, it is estimated to be more than $2 billions dollars every year. The introduction of the National Anti-drug Strategy brought together various government departments and community partners thus introducing the four pillar …show more content…

The second pillar is prevention, the first time use of illicit drugs can be vary addicting amongst youth and adults. Drug education practices can prevent first time use of drugs if shown what the effects are. Finally the third and fourth pillars deal with harm reduction and treating the persons. Users of illicit drugs continue to use their substances by even knowing the consequences it can bring. Police and their communities have to find another suitable way to deal with the drug users. Reducing the use to a safer level using cleaner methods and inflicting less harm to the user and the community is found to be more acceptable. Sage Injection sites were set out in cities, Vancouver being one of them brought the idea of a “Insite”, they offered sage havens for injecting drugs without the fear of police or public shame. Health services also available to the ones who were seeking for help. Police that are dealing with the illicit drug users are putting themselves at risk everyday. As a result arresting individuals who are thought to trafficking drugs or possessing drugs were not

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