Essay On Prenatal Exposure To Neurological Development

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Research Question:
How does prenatal exposure to addictive substances hinder neurological development in neonates?
Abstract This essay was designed to investigate the effects that addictive substances have on developing fetuses and the consequences that follow the exposure. The question of whether these teratogens would hinder the neurological development or damage neurological processes was sought to be answered. During the research I conducted I utilized valid resources such as international medical journals and encyclopedias provided through online and local libraries. Throughout the duration of my research I was able to grasp the impact that different chemicals and addictive substances implemented on neurological development. The research …show more content…

Narcotics and addictive substances hurt society and communities due to their consequences and effects; addiction, withdrawal, abnormal behavior during use, etc. these are just some of the characteristics that accompany these harmful ___. While extreme amounts of drugs or alcohol are hazardous for an individual’s health, a fetus’ health status may worsen when exposed to these substances even more than an adult’s because these substances aren’t affecting the functions, it is now hindering the development of the child. Fetuses not only suffer within the womb but also when born once they’re exposed to addictive substances. Whether it causes short-term or long-term effects, most of the time fetuses are dramatically impacted by the environment of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine. Symptoms like jitteriness, fuzziness, and irritability can be found in newborns who emerge from the womb expressing signs of withdrawal from the substances present during the process of gestation (Lee, 2015). Gestation is “the time when a person or animal is developing inside its mother before it is born which includes the process of development that happens during this time” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Can substance exposure traumatically influence the neurological