Essay On Prenatal Genetic Testing

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A topic that I found to be the most interesting in the Behavior Genetics: Predicting Individual Differences section was prenatal genetic testing. Prenatal testing is when molecular geneticists, working with psychologists, perform a DNA scan of a fetus. This testing allows the parents to know the genetic makeup of the baby and can inform the parents of any irregularities in the baby’s DNA and genes. This testing allows the geneticists and psychologists to locate genes that could genetically influence certain disorders such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or depression. Prenatal genetic testing has both benefits and risks. The main benefit of this prenatal testing is that once parents know that their child has a high risk of having a certain disorder, they can learn more about the disorder and plan for it so that when the child is born, they are prepared. There are also many risks to this prenatal testing. One risk of prenatal genetic testing is the issue of people using it …show more content…

If a couple were to find out they were pregnant, they would get a prenatal genetic test of the DNA of their baby to check for any deviations from the norm. If the tests reveal that the child has a certain disorder, such as Down Syndrome, the parents would then be able to prepare themselves and their home for their child and get a head start learning about the disorder, rather than not knowing of the disorder until the day the child is born. The parents could also read books about raising children with Down Syndrome and can get advice from other parents in the same situation so that they can know how to best raise and support their child. In this instance, prenatal genetic testing is shown as a positive and beneficial step to a parent's preparation of having a

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