Essay On Prickly Pea Fruit

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The prickly pear, Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller (OFI), is a species of the Cactaceae family, with the center of origin and domestication in Mexico (Griffith, 2004). It has particular morphological and physiological characteristics that allow high efficiency of water use. Prickly-pear cacti were brought to Europe by the first Spanish conquerors between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century (Barbera et al., 1992).
This species is an alternative culture to the inlands areas of Mediterranean peninsula where it is anticipated that climate change may have greater impact (Schröter et al., 2005). The prickly pear morpho-physiological characteristics and multiple economic uses represent an alternative crop in this region. The fruit has nutritional and economical value and also represents an interesting crop for …show more content…

In Northern hemisphere, fruits can be harvested from late July to mid-September, if they come from the spring bloom which takes place from late May to early June. Additionally, fruits can also be harvested from late September until early November, if they come from a new bloom which occurs in July as a result of the complete removal of the spring flush of flowers and cladodes done during the first bloom, in Italy his technique is called ‘scozzolatura’. Eventually, a third flush can be induced by the removal of the second flush, resulting in a further return bloom with a winter crop ripening in January – February (Liguori et al. 2007). Plants begin to yield 2 to 3 years after planting, reaching their maximum potential 6 to 8 years after planting, which they bear for 25 to 30 years and even longer, depending on pruning and overall orchard management (Inglese et al.