Essay On Primates

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Prosimian suborder primates are characterized by their prominent noses and long queues and, in some species, by a tendency to lateral arrangement of the eyes. It was formerly included the Lemuriformes, Chiromyiformes, Lorisiformes and Tarsiiformes; these four show no characteristic justifying its session under the same taxon, so Prosimians are considered today as a group. The definition of prosimian in the Castilian dictionary is it is said of certain nocturnal primate mammals, small, with teeth very similar to the insectivores, all four limbs ending in hand, face covered with hair and big eyes. They live in trees, feeding on insects and other small animals and are found in parts of Africa, especially in Madagascar. Another meaning of Prosimian in the dictionary is also suborder of these animals.
Geologically they are known from the lower Paleocene. It makes about 30 million years in Africa showed a type of more advanced primate, monkey, which began to replace the lemurs with which competed for the same type of habitat and food. Lemurs …show more content…

Are small monkeys with long fur and bushy tail is not prehensile. The thumb of the hand is not enforceable, the other foot and carrying one finger, while the remaining fingers have claws. They are diurnal, active almost exclusively arboreal, forming families. They communicate by voice and varied manifestations facial expressions.
The Old World monkeys are the broadest of the Old World monkey family. They are distributed by Africa, Arabia and Southeast Asia, and the Barbary or mona mona Gibraltar is the only species that has come to Europe. Usually large and often presents with callosities, sometimes brightly colored. They have fingernails and an opposable thumb. The skull and the brain are great. They are mostly diurnal. Baboons, including the mandrel, are terrestrial; macaques live in trees and on the ground; others are