Essay On Race And Ethnicity

499 Words2 Pages

Race and ethnicity has been a growing issue in the United States. It has been around for a couple hundred years and back then, it wasn’t a concern as it is now. Ethnicity was used to describe a person by the language they spoke and where they live. It was a form of to distinguish people and a way to communicate by saying this person looks like this and that. Having an interracial relationship wasn’t uncommon since it was done by leaders of countries. However, time changed and race and ethnicity became a justification for people’s actions. Racism still exists in our everyday life. My parents came from Guatemala and Ecuador and had me in Nebraska. I first began to learn English when I was enrolled in elementary school. I guess I was unaware that race existed until I was 12 and saw the news. For some …show more content…

When Barack Obama became president, all of my mom’s friends were talking about how different things were going to be. People were cheering in the streets and they were crying which showed the United States’ progress since the 1900s. It’s going to be 8 years in two months since that day and now one of our presidential candidates advocates Islamophobia. In the media, I’ve seen Americans wear shirts that say “Make America White Again” and get excited about the wall bordering the U.S. and Mexico. We’re seeing the true color of America. First, it used to be “No Irish Allowed”, then “No Blacks Allowed” and now there are signs in the doors of businesses saying “No Muslims Allowed.” We humans are smarter than this. We should know how hate against a race makes others feel. That is why it’s a good idea to have progressive leaders and representatives in our government. They enforce the law and even if most of us don’t like the government, we still look up to them. By diverse figures entering the government, they give a voice to the minorities and whether some don’t like the changes, it’s for the best of the

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