Essay On Richard Louv's Last Child In The Woods

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As we reflect on the past, we always ask ourselves what things have changed since I was a kid? Was nature deficit disorder even a thing 20 years ago? 50 years ago? This “sickness” was recently coined by Richard Louv in his 2005 book, Last Child in the Woods. Throughout the book this disorder is summarized as a lack of time spent outdoors or immersed in nature and can be a contributing factor to many problems which are also affecting today 's children, such as obesity, attention deficit disorder or depression. The New Zealand Department of Conservation pointed out another contributing paradox. While this generation of kids are more aware of the global threats to the environment than any generation before, their physical contact with nature …show more content…

At a recent conference Louv claimed, “Our culture is addicted to oil and despair”. I wouldn 't disagree. We are continuously choosing to surround ourselves with a oil and despair laced society, instead of stepping outside into the fresh air. Once the realization is made that the wilderness and green spaces are worth far more than material items, Earth will be set on a better path. Another tactic is to embrace all nature and the entire world around you. Anywhere. It doesn 't matter where you are, the act of stepping outside is beneficial no matter the landscape. Society gets so tied up in “the perfect vacation” or “the most beautiful hikes”, when the reality is all nature is enlightening when viewed with open eyes. Having regular, hands-on contact with the natural world inspires people to cultivate their sense of wonder. Gandhi once proclaimed that, “We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.”. This situation is no different. To be able to see the improvements in the kids we raise, first we have to improve ourselves and the world they live in. Relying on the upcoming generation to be the change you wish to see is not going to be the effective answer. Imagine if the world was full of people striving to be a positive influence? (it