Essay On Socialism In America

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Move Away from Socialism, America Socialism in America has progressed substantially and is not bettering The United States. Socialism is a political theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. In much lighter terms socialism is where a government owns and runs everything in the country too, in theory, better the nation for the people. A great thought for socialism comes from Margret Thatcher, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” To increase the growth and help the economy in America the people need to learn what socialism is, learn why socialism does not benefit America, limit the …show more content…

The Federal Government allows citizens in America to have a sense of security because, many know that if anything bad happens to them they will be able to rely on the government. This goes for any aspect of life. If war were to break out America would have their army to send, if a person were to get laid off in America a lot of times they would qualify to receive well fare. "The Constitution limits what the federal government can do, but we ignore that every day and start new programs that have nothing to do with those powers that were given to the federal government in the Constitution" (Pedraza, 2011). People need to be educated on what American citizens powers are as citizens of The United States. The government was made for the people to control and the people to have a say in how to solve problems that arise. The federal government is allowed to control anything that is socialized. “Nationalizing education would place America's school system under the control of the federal government, eliminating local school districts and school boards” (Cary, 2011). Of course decreasing or eliminating local school taxes does sound wonderful, but it comes at a price. Communities will lose control over their local schools and not have a say in the

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