Essay On Texting And Driving

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Texting While Driving Something that is a big problem in the United States is texting and driving. About 9 people die a day because of a distracted driver. This is carelessness and banned in many states. When someone texts, and drives they are putting themselves and others in danger. The problem is that many citizens do this act and it becomes a habit. The time it takes to look and reply to a text, also going 55mph, you have already passed the length of a football field. It does not take very long to get into an accident. Texting and driving needs to have stricter laws because it is illegal, it puts the lives of innocents in danger, and new driver are the ones that text and drive the most. Texting and driving in New Jersey is illegal. If someone …show more content…

According to the Federal Communication Commission, the National Occupant Protection Use Survey claimed that mobile devices were used most among 16-24-year-olds. These are the most new and inexperienced drivers. So, texting and driving is even more dangerous because of the focusing that is needed on the road. Also, a stain of a fine on their driving record is not good in the beginning. Rise in insurance rates can happen if someone is caught texting and driving. New drivers should try not to look at their phone and focus on the road. Lastly, innocent civilians are killed because of a distracted driver. It is worse to hurt an innocent civilian than yourself because the person did not have control. Depending on the injury of the civilian the distracted driver could have 8 to 16 months in jail and a 10,000 dollar fine ( The driver also may have to pay for any medical bills for the hurt person. It is not just the diver getting affected, it is also the one who is hurt and their family and friends. There is a big penalty for just sending a message back to a family member, friend, or colleague. Be patient and follow the rules on the road especially new drivers because it is hardest for

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