Essay On The African American Community In To Kill A Mockingbird

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On October 29th 1929 The United states entered a depression. The depression began days earlier on October 24th 1929 when the United States stock market. Over 16 million stocks were destroyed and gone. The remaining stocks left were quickly bought by investors because they lost faith in the American economy. Many banks also shut down because after the market crash people rushed to their banks where their money was held at but either the first people in line or the wealthier people took all of their money out of the banks and once there was np more money the bank shut down. That left the remaining people with money in the bank broke because the bank had no more money to give out. Jumping into the future, soup and bread lines were set up to feed …show more content…

Along with the Great depression affecting the country racism was also a big blow to the African Americans. The book To Kill a Mockingbird shows some struggles of the African American community in the South. First off African Americans were called disrespect full names and that was their association. Also in the book To Kill a Mockingbird the book describes a cabin that a couple of African Americans live in. “The cabin is behind the town dump. The cabins plank walls were supplemented with sheets of corrugated iron. Four tiny rooms with a shotgun hall. The house sat on 4 stumps of uneven limestone.” (Lee 170). Also they describe the house as a Negro cabin. Which it isn’t even established as a house it’s established of a cabin. Back in 2014 a white police officer shot an African American man named Michael Brown was shot and killed this lead to many protests and riots throughout the streets which lead to police involvement with the protesters. Nearly a year late in Baltimore Maryland an African American man named Freddie Gray was taken into police custody then fell into a comma. Many citizens believed that the two white officers that were with him beat him up which lead to the people of Baltimore thinking along the lines of police brutality. Many in people in Ferguson and in Baltimore held peaceful protests but most of the protests turned into riots when lead to complete chaos in the

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