
Essay On The American Dream Is Dead

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What a wonderful country we United States citizens live in. A country just full of hope and opportunity, with so many chances to change for the better, and plenty of rags to riches stories. But are those just fairy tales anymore? The American Dream, the hopes and aspiration to become wealthy through strong will and hard work, may only be just a dream anymore. Let us see how the odds are stacked against us common people, those who were not given a small loan of a million dollars. The American Dream is defined as “American ideal of a happy and successful life to which all may aspire” (“American Dream.”). For most of the United States citizens, a happy and successful life is one where you do not have to worry about where you are going to lay …show more content…

Though money may not be everything, you need money to pay bills, buy food, provide shelter for yourself or your family, and other such necessities. But the recent years have shown that the middle class is slipping down into poverty while the rich keep getting richer. In all actuality, the “median household income has fallen since the financial crisis of 2008, while income for the wealthiest of Americans has actually risen” ("7 Facts That Show the American Dream Is Dead."). And if that’s not saddening enough, say goodbye to the circle skirts and martinis when you get home fellas because the stay-at-home parent lifestyle is also under fire. With the decrease of the middle class, more and more families must have both parents working full-time to support themselves and just one child. “But with a college education, you could get a better paying job and yadda yadda?” Yes, you could get a better paying job with a college education but in the 8 to 12 or more years it takes you to graduate along with working to stay alive while going through school, you accumulate a lot of debt. The average amount of student loan debt again crept up for the Class of 2013, and is approaching $30,000

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