Essay On The Battle Of The Light Brigade

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However, the poem is based on a real-life tragedy which took place during the Crimean War with the Russian Empire. It is for this reason, that the poem can also be read as a critique against the British Government and the bad treatment received by those who fought in the Crimean War, in this case in the Battle of Balaclava. The enjambment at the end of the first stanza suggests the speed of both the galloping of the soldiers on horseback, but also the speed in which the decision to attack was made. Despite the fact that the no agency of the man in the first stanza who commands the order can be seen as a way to keep the reader focused on the action of the Light Brigade, it can also represent an overgeneralization of the British Government, a critique against the bad decisions taken by all those who lead a brigade. …show more content…

The place where the action takes place is personified with images of fear and horror; moreover, valleys are “low area(s) of land between mountains or hills”, this enclosure of the land reminds to the graves, which also are closed spaces. In the second stanza the syntactic parallelism expresses both the blind obedience and the exploitation of those who have no choice “but to do and die”, they have no voice to decide nor “not to make reply”, these image represents the bad treatment that most of the soldier of the light brigade received during the Crimean War. Interestingly, only in the first two stanzas we have found the word “death” repeated more than two times, this device pinpoints the upcoming failure for the six hundred men in the battle; therefore, from the very beginning we are told that there is no possible salvation for the Light Brigade, they are doomed to die. The description of the situation in the battle is presented in the third, fourth and fifth

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